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Write Way Works

Green Team Design

The Brief

Custom Home Designer ● Construction Blueprints

This custom home designer began looking for a support team to assist them with organizing projects, increasing the drafting team, and coordinating client needs. They needed a versatile team, with not only admin skills, but more importantly project management experience.
We were tasked with coordinating new projects with a virtual drafting team. We became the first contact for both builders and the drafting teams. 
We offered Green Team Design the opportunity to grow the team, and in turn grow the number of clients they could support.


Months after starting the contract, there was an increase in clientele


Hours of admin time
saved weekly


New drafting team
members added


A versatile team providing support where needed


Creating a system of project management that could manage numerous projects on individual, moving timelines. By utilizing Asana, Write Way Works was able to create a Phased process by which no project falls behind schedule.


By creating a streamlined system of communication, Green Team Design could now build partnerships with multiple home builders to move homeowners through the building process, giving them the change to build their dream homes.


Taking on the initial contact with the builders providing new project details, Write Way Works was able to systematically assign out the drafting work based on the teams' workload, all managed by Write Way Works. Green Team Design was then able to build new partnerships, new projects.

"I'm a custom home designer and the only outsourcing I had previously done was with a few US-based draftsmen. That was easy because it was familiar to
me - something I knew. The thought of having a personal assistant, though, was new territory. I remember at my first meeting with Heather not knowing exactly how to use her or what types of tasks to offload to her and the team. I had always done everything myself and didn't know where to begin. We decided to start with what we knew and build from there. I had one client in mind that I wanted her to interact with. This client represents 40-60 jobs per year - each with a dozen or more checkpoints and interactions. My hope was for Heather to handle as much of their work as possible. She quickly became adept at learning all that was required in dealing with this client. The Write Way team now handles about 98% of all work this client sends us (completely in the background) with almost zero input from me. I can't thank them enough!

Another specific task I had given them early on was to find me a second drafting team in India. I had already been using a company (in India) for drafting work but didn't really want to rely solely on them. I asked Heather to find us a second one so I could limit my risk. After searching online and considering several companies, she found one. While there were many steep learning curves to overcome, this company is allowing my design business to expand beyond what i could have though possible. That a huge "win" and all the credit goes to Heather and her team!"


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